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Olive Branch
6.5 x 8.5 Inches
Double-sided painting
Oil on wood
Other Works
A representive group of works in various mediums where constructive elements and a strong sense of form take shape in his sculpture, motifs and bas-relief. Suib's fascination with natural phenomena, and human form emerge in his decorative arts capturing nature’s wonders.
Peacock Screen
Peacock Screen/Women in Nature
circa 1918
Two-sided triptych screen
Outer panels: 29 x 72 Inches
Inner panel: 29.5 x 75 Inches
Joseph Suib
Green Woman & Fern
1. Geometric Shapes with Branch
10 x 14 Inches Paper mache
2. Geometric Shapes with Hand
8 x 9.5 Inches Paper mache
3. Einstein in Deco
11 x 18 Inches Paper mache
The Art Estate of
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